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- Paulo Freire Kongress 2018
Paulo Freire
Paulo Freire (1921-1997) was one of the most significant pedagogues in this century. With his dialogical principle he showed us a new way of relation between teachers and students. Paulo Freire increased with his work democratical basic trials world-wide. He was the pedagogue of the oppressed and gave us a pedagogy of hope. The social pastoral from Latinamerica and the theology of liberation was influenced by him. The brasilian dictators hated him and so he had to imigrate to Genf.
From there he subsidized the liberated countries of Africa and the alphabetizing campains in Nicaragua. As the last exil of the brasilian military revolt in 1964 he was allowed to return home in 1980. He was one of the founders of the most powerfull party in Brasil, the Labor Party (PT), and a near friend to Brazilian's president Lula da Silva since their days of exile.
In Europe his ideas influenced all pedagogical fields: social work, adult education, youth education (out of school), schools and kindergardens. His books are translated in many different languages. There are also a lot of connections to the pedagogic of Paulo Freire: theatre, theology, social ethics, economics, sociology, psycology or arts. The variety is a great chance to find a way into the post moderne.
About Us
We are a union of people, orientating ourselves at Paulo Freires ideas and we try to take part in the dialogical pedagogic.
The aim is to reach human pedagogic with equal rights we need a lot of different opinions and activ employees. All interesteted people, who would like to know more about the Pedagogic of Hope and also the people who already work with these methodes are welcome.
We offer support and a forum for ideas and proposals of liberated pedagogy.
We offer:
- lectures, seminares, conferences
- theatre workshops
- trainings for pedagogues in schools, social work and adult education
- research projects
- collecting of didactical materials
- publications of specialist literature
- information pool for universities and padagogical institutions in Germany and foreign countries
- national and international cooperation
How to get informations:
- our circular letter „Dialogische Erziehung" (Dialogical Education), (ISSN 1433-4895)
- publications
- Internet: http://www.freire.de
- printerservice of the internet documents
- fax: +49 441 9330056
- e-mail: pfk@freire.de