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- Paulo Freire Kongress 2018
Leider stehen erst einige Dokumente zur Freire-Rezeption in den USA zur Verfügung. Diese können von Mitgliedern der Freire-Kooperation per e-Mail angefordert werden. Im weiteren verweisen wir auf Yahoo! und Google
In 1984, Blanca Facundo wrote a critique of Freire's ideas and her own experience using his methods in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. Her Critique is a strong dissenting view of a largely uncritical admiration for Friere's work. Even in 2002 it is worth to look for this discussion (Facundo-Mackie-Ohlinger):
Freire Inspired Programs in the United States and Puerto Rico: A Critical Evaluation
We send other documents to our members by e-mail: Paulo Freire Co-operation in Europe
- Brian Martin: Editor's Introduction (Debate 01)
- Robert Mackie: Confusion and Despair: Blanca Facundo on Paulo Freire (Debate 02)
- Blanca Facundo: Freire Inspired Programs in the United States and Puerto Rico: A Critical Evaluation (Debate 03)
- Blanca Facundo: Who is Paulo Freire? (Debate 04/ 04a)
- Blanca Facundo: How is Freire Seen in the United States? (Debate 05/ 05a)
- Blanca Facundo: Who Are We? (Debate 06)
- Blanca Facundo: What Did We Do? (Debate 07)
- Blanca Facundo: Working the System (Debate 08)
- Blanca Facundo: Evaluation and Transformation (Debate 09)
- Blanca Facundo: The Lessons of Guinea-Bissau (Debate 10)
- Blanca Facundo: Summary and Conclusion (Debate 11)
- Blanca Facundo: A Reaction to a Reaction (Debate 12)
- Extract from "Alternativas", Vol 2, Numbers 3-8, 1984 (Debate 13/ 13a)
- John Ohlinger: Critical Views of Paulo Freire's Work (Ohlinger 01)
- John Ohlinger: Taking Freire and Illich Serously or Icons and Pariahs (Ohlinger 02)
- Tom Heany: Issues in Freirean Pedagogy (Key 01)
- Mark K. Smith: Colonialism and Post-Colonialism (Key 02)
- Mark K. Smith: Community Education (Key 03)
- Mark K. Smith: Conscientization (Key 04)
- Mark K. Smith: Dialog and Conversation (Key 05)
- Mark K. Smith: Literacy (Key 06)
- Organizing Strategies: Popular Education (Key 07)
Fritze (UK):
- Carien Fritze: Because I Speak Cockney They Think I'm Stupid (Fritze 01)
- Carien Fritze: The Theory of Paulo Freire (Fritze 02)
- Carien Fritze: Who Am I, Doing this Work? (Fritze 03)
- Carien Fritze: The Application of Freire's Concepts to Community Work (Fritze 04)
- Carien Fritze: Conclusions of this Way of Working (Fritze 05)
- Michael Boucher: Building Teacher-Student Solidarity in a More Democratic Classroom (Teaching 01)
- Michael Boucher: (Chapter 2) (Teaching 02)
- Michael Boucher: The Reflective Process (Teaching 03)
- Michael Boucher: What Process and Ingredients have made my Classroom more Democratic? (Teaching 04)
- Michael Boucher: Questions for Further Research (Teaching 05)
- The Grenadian Literacy Project - Freire in Practice (Var 01)
- Paulo Freire and Augusto Boal Visiting the University of Northern Iowa (Var 02)
- Tony Hearn: Paulo Freire, a Catholic Mystic (Var 03)
- Norma Decker Collins: Teaching Critical Reading through Literature (Var 04)
- David Bartholomae and Andrew Petrosky: The "Banking" Concept of Education (Var 05)
- Peter McLaren: Cultural Foundations of Education (Var 06)
- The Methods of Peacemaking Course at Earlham College (Var 07)
- Patricio Navia: Paulo Freire en Chicago (Var 08)
- Moacir Gadotti and Carlos Alberto Torres: Paulo Freire 1921-1997 (Var 09)
- Paulo Freire International Community Service Grant Program (Var 10)
- Stanley F. Steiner and H. Mark Krank: Critical Theory: The Pedagog of "True Words" (Var 11)
- Joy Peyton and Jo-Ann Crandall: Freirean/ Participatory Approaches (Var 12)
- Luiz A. Lobo: Feature-Information for Iowa Public Television (Var 13)
- Speakers Worldwide: Paulo Freire (Var 14)
- Instituto Paulo Freire: Forward (Var 15)
- Instituto Paulo Freire: Justification (Var 16)
- Instituto Paulo Freire: Goals (Var 17)
- Gregory K. Hutchins: Educating the Idividual or the Collective? (Var 18)
- Cetlalic's Adaptation of Freire's Philosophy (Var 19)
- Some Biographical Information on Paulo Freire (Var 20)
- The American Red Cross Hispanic HIV/AIDS Program (Var 21)
- The Promethean Literacy (thesis) (Var 22)
- Thinkers: Paulo Freire (Var 23)
- Heinz-Peter Gerhardt: Paulo Freire (1921-1997) (Var 24)
- Christoph Wagner: Literacy as Liberating Education (Var 25)
In Memoriam
- Hermán S. Garcia: Knowledge is Never Neutral (Tri 30)
- Peter Mayo and Carmel Borg: Making Sense of Freire in the Maltese Context (Tri 42)
- George C. Stoney: Remembering Paulo (Tri 67)
- Sharon Switzer: Family Literacy Program (Tri 69)
- People You Should Know: Paulo Freire (Nach 02)
- Mark K. Smith: Paulo Freire (Nach 03)
- UNESCO Executive Board Pays Tribute to Paulo Freire (Nach 04)
- Harvard Education Forum: Honoring Paulo Freire (Nach 06)
- Rich Gibson: In Memory Paulo Freire (Nach 07)
- Eric Pace (New York Times): Paulo Freire, Brazilian Educator (Nach 08)
- Paulo Freire Dies, his Work Continues (Nach 10)
- Ciao Paulo (Nach 11)
- Moacir Gadotti: Tribut to Paulo Freire (Nach 13)
- Moacir Gadotti and Carlos Alberto Torres: Paulo Freire - a Homage (Nach 14)
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